Our Story

How it all started...

In 2016 Terry was at a small gathering of believers in Brady, Texas.  There were two ladys ministering there, Pastor Peaches Evans and LaTonya Turner from Pure In Heart Ministries in Jacksonville, FL.  LaTonya looked at Terry and said, "You need to start a Bible Study, put a sign up on the doors of your business that advertise what time and that there will be prayer for healing."  He started that on Friday evenings at the end of the work week with a pot of coffee and cookies. And a Marketplace Ekklesia was born inside House of Wheels, (now ASAP Creative Arts) It was he and his brother for several months then people started to attend more and more of Terry's teaching and healing prayer time.  He had people driving 150 miles round trip for Friday nights, and they started bringing supper for everyone.  Now it is a potluck supper with plenty of food left over.  Several months later in 2017 Dr. Dave began attending and then teaching.  The Lord placed on Dr. Dave's heart in 2018 to incorporate into a non-profit organization, Terry agreed, and in needing an additional board member they asked Wally Johnson from Oklahoma City, and also agreeing, he joined as a director. Over the last couple of years many folks have had prayers answered and prophetic words delivered and have come to pass.

Expanding the vision...

With Dr. Dave's  and Wally's travels and Terry's  contacts, they've been able to share the vision of Market Place Ekklesia's all over.  Inviting people to share Jesus and  their life and business experiences to whomever the Lord leads.

Where we are headed...

The Ekklesia Uprising desires to be a hub for everyday real life people, experiencing a real Jesus in real time in the marketplace.  If you are interested in learning more how you can do the same, please click on the learn button below.

Be a part of our story...
We meet inside
ASAP Creative Arts...

Join us every Friday evening as we gather to eat, fellowship and worship together a 5:30 pm.