
The Ekklesia Uprising Directors

Terry McDonald

Founding Director

Terry McDonald, a tremendous man of God and a successful motorcycle dealer, has been involved in some sort of ministry for over 40 years.  He has a great anointing for facilitating believers into their roles.  His desire is to see walls of tradition torn down and an integration of the Holy Spirit in every believers everyday life through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

David K. Schum

Ministry Director

Dr. Dave (The Rowdy Monk) is a retired chiropractor, practicing for 25 years in Central Texas.  He was a college pastor for 25 years, who has done short term missions on 4 continents and now loves to help people engage into their identity in Christ as kings and priests.  He operates in a prophetic gifting and enjoys teaching others how to engage in the prophetic and step into the Kingdom reality.  He is the author of one devotional book, and another on the way.  Dr. Dave's passion is stepping people, by faith, from the earthly realm into the Heavenly one.  His favorite saying is, "Keep up with the pace of Heaven."

Wally Johnson

Associate Ministry Director

Wally Johnson (New Mystic) will simply tell you, "...he is a son of God..." In his journey he finally heard the Lord say, "Equip believers for victory."  He has been walking out his mission by authoring  five books and counting, and being a bold engager of the Kingdom.  He interprets dreams, teaches online classes and has a podcast called "New Mystic Audios."  A former Oklahoma University football linebacker, he enjoys the challenge of educating people engaging in Kingdom Dynamics all over the world.